QuickCheck Health was created to empower consumers.  Using the same chemical rapid tests that doctors use and our patent pending electronic test result reader, QuickCheck Health will save time and money. 


Here is how it will work (see important notice below):

1)  Upon regulatory clearance*, our tests will be available in drugstores, online or through insurance plans.  Our target price for these test is approximately $10.

2) When needed, you will just administer the test at home according to package directions.

3) After administration, our electronic reader will give you a test result code.

4) To get your result, you will go online to our website (or call our call center ) to obtain
 your test results at no charge.

5) If positive, you will then be able to can start an immediate online clinic visit for $35.  In most cases this payment will be eligible for health plan coverage by printing a clinic receipt after the visit and submitting it to your insurance provider.  

6) In as little as 5 minutes (and no longer than 45 minutes) the clinic will process your visit and, if appropriate, a prescription will be sent to your pharmacy of choice.  

 It's that simple.
 It's that affordable.
 It's that convenient.






The statements made and products referenced within this website have not yet been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.