QuickCheck Health is bringing health care home. 

According to a recent Rand Corporation Study; “About 90 percent of the visits to retail clinics were for 10 simple acute conditions and preventive care: upper respiratory infections, sinusitis, bronchitis, sore throat, immunizations, inner ear infections, swimmers ear, conjunctivitis, urinary tract infections, and either a screening test or a blood test. The same conditions accounted for 18 percent of visits to primary care physician offices and 12 percent of emergency department visits.”1

In 2008 there were 578 million primary care visits and 123 million emergency department visits2.  Taken together, this means that 104 million office visits and nearly 15 million emergency room visits are for common conditions that are also treated at retail clinics. 

We estimate that 75% of these or 89 million visits annually could be handled by  QuickCheck Health. 

With the rising costs of health care, increases in patient liability, and access to affordable health care being limited, many people are not seeking the care they need. QuickCheck Health's goal is to bring affordable health care to people, even in remote locations.  

Our "Test at home, treat online" patent pending system will deliver:

  Accurate, rapid, OTC  home diagnostic testing

  An affordable and easy-to-access online clinic visit

A prescription within as little as 5 minutes if appropriate 

QuickCheck Health will bring benefits to:

Consumers through lower cost, high quality care

Physicians by freeing up time for more complex cases

Large groups such as employers, insurers and government agencies by reducing the cost of treating routine illnesses by as much as 75% or more

 How QuickCheck Health Works:

   A consumer purchases a QuickCheck Health rapid home test at a local drugstore for as little as $7.50 per test.  We are pursuing a number of tests such as urinary tract infection, strep throat, the flu, cholesterol, A1c, Lyme disease, Mono, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, pink eye, yeast infections and others.


She administers the test at home and is given a result code.  This result code provides proof of a positive test.  She then goes to our website or calls us and enters the code.  She finds out the result of her test immediately at no charge.  If positive, she can begin an online clinic visit.


After completing the visit, she pays $35 (which is eligible for coverage by most insurance companies) and our clinician reviews the visit.  If appropriate, a prescription is sent to the pharmacy within as little as 5 minutes.


That's all there is to it.



1 Mherotra, A., Wang, M., Lave, J., Adams, J. and McGlynn, E. Retail Clinics, Primary Care Physicians and Emergency Departments: A Comparison of Patients’ Visits. Health Affairs, September 2008, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 1272-82. See also www.rand.org/pubs/external_publications/EP20080913.html for a summary of the study.